So, knock on wood, I have my W (motorized knee) axis working, sans limit and
home switches. It will be 100% done once I get the switches wired.

I did it, so that I can easily switch between long tools like big drill bits
in Morse adaptors, to short tools like small end mills, without losing
offsets or breaking up a program in pieces.

The question is, what is the "proper" way to use it.

My own thinking is that I should define a tool change position as Z=0 and
W=<highest possible value>.

This way, for any tool change, the mill opens up its full "envelope"
completely. Z would be at its highest and W at its highest too (giving the
lowest position of the knee). The "mouth" of the milling machine is opened
at its highest.

This way, any tool change can accommodate any sized tool, and the mill would
not crush long tools under any circumstances.

Also, every tool should have a W offset defined (and not Z offset), so that
after a tool change, saying G0 W0 would adjust the knee position in
accordance with the length of the tool.

Is that the right way to think about it?


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