On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Chris Radek <ch...@timeguy.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 09:31:31PM -0600, Igor Chudov wrote:
> > Right now I have at most 5 inches of Z axis travel. This is sufficient
> for
> > most parts, except when I have to use a short tool (little end mill) and
> a
> > long tool (drill bits in chucks).
> >
> > In this latter case, if I move the knee by hand, I lose the Z position
> and X
> > and Y offsets.
> Why do you lose X and Y?
> > I have a DC servo motor (really just a DC motor with a shaft sticking out
> in
> > the back) with a 15:1 gear reduction. So, it will let me move the knee at
> a
> > reasonable speed.
> [random thoughts follow]
> Can you put a glass scale on the knee?  I would at least measure the
> knee's acme screw before trusting it.  You could use screw comp but
> you'd need to have a way to home it.
> If you get full servo control working, and make the knee W, you can
> have your long tools like your drill have tool lengths in W.   This
> would be really handy:  t(drill) m6 g43; g0 w0 (knee moves down)

Chris, when you say this, did you just write a shorthand for two statements?

T<drill> M6 G43
G0 W0

Or can I write two statements on one line, separated by a semicolon?


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