On Friday, March 04, 2011 11:27:12 pm Igor Chudov did opine:

> I embedded my video on this page:
> http://www.chudov.com/projects/Bridgeport-Series-II-Interact-2-CNC-Mill/
> The video shows more or less everything that the mill is capable of:
> moving in all five directions, drilling cycle, rigid tapping, coolant,
> spindle forward and reverse, and cool 5 axis simultaneous moves.
> many thanks to all
> i

That is so sweet I'll have to take extra metformin after watching that.  
And, compared to my stepper setup with its howling cooling fans on the 
xylotex board, plus the howl of the steppers when they are only running 
1/8th step, the differences in the noise level are amazing.

My cooling fans on the 4 axis xylotex are dual, one blowing in one end of 
the box, the other sucking out the far end, with the box made to fit the 
fans outside measurements, 12v dc salvaged PSU fans running on about 19 
volts so they are running about 9k rpms.  I had one fail about a month in 
from bad bearings, replaced it, and both fans now have about 5 years on 
them.  They drown out most of the other shop noises, only the jointer makes 
more noise & then only when its making wood chips.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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