On Saturday, March 05, 2011 01:08:39 am Jon Elson did opine:

> gene heskett wrote:
> > And, compared to my stepper setup with its howling cooling fans on the
> > xylotex board, plus the howl of the steppers when they are only
> > running 1/8th step, the differences in the noise level are amazing.
> The servo motors on my Bridgeport are so quiet that once I broke a
> toothed belt and it
> took me several minutes to discover what was wrong.  The motor was
> spinning at 1800
> RPM, the axis was going nowhere, and I couldn't figure out what was
> wrong.  I'm glad
> I didn't stick my finger in there.
> Jon
So you still have all of the ten you came with?  I have one thats about 
1/16" short, my jointer didn't know when to quit when it trimmed a 
fingernail.  I got the message, loud and clear. :(

Cheers, Gene
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I would rather be a serf in a poor man's house and be above ground than
reign among the dead.
                -- Achilles, "The Odessey", XI, 489-91

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solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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