Mark Wendt (Contractor) wrote:
> On 3/4/2011 11:07 PM, gene heskett wrote:
>>> Always assume a job will come up that needs more travel!
>> Yes Jon, I believe there is a corollary about that someplace in the
>> Murphy's laws collections I've seen.  If not, it certainly needs adding
>> because its a basic truth.
>> Unforch, I do not have the building nor the foundation to support that
>> cinci Stuart has.  Is that truly big enough Stuart?
> I really can't believe you asked Stuart that question, Gene...  ;-)
Next to the Cincinnatti 5-axis mill, he has a Giddings & Lewis 
horizontal mill that is FAR bigger, at least in exterior dimensions.  It 
seemed like it took half an hour to just walk around from the back to 
the front of
the machine, and stands at least 30 feet tall.  (It is listen on their 
web page as only 100" of X travel, but that seems WAY too short.)  On 
the other side of the shop he has the Viper, a gantry
mill that is even bigger, 200" X travel.


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