On 03/06/2011 11:39 AM, gene heskett wrote:
> On Sunday, March 06, 2011 11:38:20 AM Jon Elson did opine:
>> Mark Wendt (Contractor) wrote:
>>> You guys.  Stop please!  You're making me feel so inadequate...  ;-)
>> You just have to come to terms with it!  Somebody, somewhere, always has
>> a better, faster, bigger "tool"!
>> But, in this case, strange pills ordered over the internet can't help.
>> Even before I got into EMC, way before there was an EMC2, I had an
>> Allen-Bradley 7320
>> CNC control patched onto my Bridgeport.  A guy got in touch with me, he
>> had a G&L mill
>> with a 50 foot bed.  He was building a shop for it, pouring 8 foot thick
>> concrete or whatever.
>> I never did hear from him again, maybe that project just got too big or
>> something.  He was asking
>> for help, eventually, to get the 7320 up and running.
>> So, I was exposed early to the "bigger tool" envy.
>> Jon
> Thanks for my Sunday morning chuckle, Jon.

Right now, I just get to drool over machines that other folks have, and 
use on a daily basis.  My daughter's best friend in high school has an 
Dad who owns a local machine shop, and I've farmed out parts that were 
too big to do on the puny mini-mill I have when I was making my bamboo 
saw beveler.  I always looked forward to the "field trips" to the 
machine shop.  Big boring machines, big lathes, a whole bunch of mills - 
it was a heavy metal fetishist's wet dream.  My next shop is going to 
have full size machines in it (I'm very limited for space right now 
working on bamboo rods out of a half a garage).  Once I get the 
full-time rod making shop up and running, there _will_ be space for 
larger machines!  Course, I doubt I'll ever have room for a little mill 
like Stuart's in the shop though!  ;-)


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solutions. http://p.sf.net/sfu/progress-d2d
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