----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Igor Chudov" <ichu...@gmail.com>
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] No-kidding CAD/Cam package for milling

> Ries, thanks. Creo Elements/Pro is a full CAD/CAM package and has EMC2
> compatible output. Right?

Igor - pardon me jumping in here

Creo Elements/Pro  (was Pro|Engineer Wildfire 5.0) will generate good G-code 
for all sorts of milling up to full 5 axis stuff. It has a generic post 
processor with a menu driven confguration program to configure the details 
of the G-code output. This program allows you to define the architecture of 
your "rotary" axes - trunnion, wrist etc. For the brave, there are other 
tools that allow you to control the code in very detailed ways (e.g. FIL)

Commercial seats of this product is not cheap and the educational versions 
are limited in CAM capability.

The learning curve is steep. There are many historical GUIs in the software. 
There is a lot of stuff on U-tube but it mainly relates to Wildfire 4.0 (or 
earlier) The NC Manufacturing module GUI has changed dramatically for 
Creo/Elements Pro. Undergraduate students, who use Pro|E CAD regularly, can 
machine their first part after about 6 hours of study.

Workflow for prototyping shops is very good, as the manufacturing model is 
fully associative with the 3D part modelled in the CAD parts of the package. 
Change a pocket size or depth, re-run the creation of the CL data and G-code 
files and it will cut the new part. CAM solutions based in importing IGES 
are a problem as you often have to redefine all the cutting sequences for 
the new version of the file.

You also get a version of Vericut which gives an accurate preview of 
machining including possible interference of tool holders with stock or 

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