>> Gene,
>>      I built it from source,
> What tarball version?

I grabbed the latest from the source repository, following the instructions 


At the bottom of that link there is a script that does it all. If your not 
using ubuntu,
you can use it as a guide.

>> I've found a number of tutorials on YouTube.
> I just found those last night.  Generally he is too far from the mic, and 
> goes way too fast for me to keep up.

I've had the same problem. I viewed the multiple times. I pause them, play 
around heekcad
and then continue.

>> It would be nice to have a
>> tutorial that took something simple from a hand drawn sketch, into
>> heekscnc, and then milled using EMC2.
> That would be several 10 minute movies to do it justice, but yeah, 
> precisely my thought.

Maybe I can do put together something along those lines as I learn. No 
promises. I'll try
to keep a list of difficulties I've come across so that I can organise my 
thoughts later.

Work and my parents visiting are going to keep me busy over the next couple 

> Me too Andy.  And as I age, that point where I can say "aha, that's how it 
> works" seems slower and slower in coming.  At 76 and diabetic, I'm fond of 
> quoting that old saw about taking better care of me if I had known I was 
> going to live this long. ;-)

Well, I'm 25 years behind you, and a bit slower on the uptake these days. Oh 
well :)

We've hijacked Igor's original post, so we should probably create a new thread, 
take this
off-line or move it over to the heekscad list.



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