Scenario for Homming...

1. Wire both home switch (assume NC) in series and send motor to home 
and leave motor in just tripped position.
2. Rewire home switches to have both of them readable in port.
3. If both are oppened then machine is in exact position so nothing is 
3a.  if one switch is untripped then disable motor drive for tripped side.
3b. send other motor to home with own switch. When tripped the machine 
is aligned.

That can be done in HAL without recompiling component's.
Nothing in hardware is needed if home switch are routed to controller 
separatly. All 'relays' to rewire switches can be done with HAL components.

And the sadd news. The steps 1 to 3 can be regular HOME command. For 
3a/b (aligning gantry) probably the some G code is best. (Or PVCP or 
something similar)

I don't have gantry machine (not completed yet) so I can't test to be 
shure how to manage that.  Just thinking...

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