I wonder if it would be possible to extend EMC in a way that I could ad 
a 3D digitiser as an input device and control the position of a 3aces 
CNC mill live via that digitiser so that I could use the CNC mill just 
like a digital pantograph milling machine.

The digitiser, a Immersion Microscribe II, gives me a stream of xyz 
coordinates, either via USB or a serial RS-232 interface. I guess the 
serial connection is much easier to use and probably fast enough, too.

My problem is that I have no clue how I might be able to feed these 
coordinate into EMC, to make EMC move according to these coordinates.

I haven't done any development vor EMC yet, except some minor extensions 
to trivkins, to compensate some errors on my machine. How could I link 
the digitise and EMC?

I hope you can give me some ideas,
see you

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