Thanks for looking.  (I am not that technical though..)  The bit of 
ladder I have seems to be taking longer than 1ms though. (on this 
atom330 board)


On 02/06/2012 06:02 PM, Chris Morley wrote:
>> On Fri, 03 Feb 2012 13:05:02 -0600
>>   sam sokolik<>  wrote:
>>> All this talk of lowering the servo thread had me thinking back to when
>>> I was setting up the K&T.  I wanted to try to lower the servo thread for
>>> testing.  I could not go much slower the the 1ms default or I would get
>>> real time delays.  After some consultation on irc - it was decided that
>>> the ladder was the issue.  I gave up and left my servo thread at 1ms.
>>> My ladder does tool chain logic, tool changing, pallet transfer and a
>>> few other odds and ends.  It has probably over 16 sections and quite a
>>> few rungs.  when the section display is open - the upper right hand
>>> corner has the scan time - it is 135us.   vs the classic ladder sample
>>> in the sample configs (pretty much just estop logic and oiling) which
>>> runs in 17us.
>>> I have a older atom330 board here that I am playing with.  On a side
>>> note - here is the latency test without isolcups=1
>>> with isolcups=1
>>> I put the classic ladder parts into the emc stepper_inch config from the
>>> sample configs (emc version 2.4.6) fresh install from the livecd then
>>> updated.  I removed the base thread and stepgen functions from the threads.
>>> here is the config.
>>> that has my ladder in it (just running - none of the pins are
>>> connected)  This is ladder from sometime in the distant past - I am sure
>>> it isn't the latest ladder.
>>> Now - on this atom - it will not run at 1ms.  It seems to run at
>>> .909khz.  (servo period 1100000)  The K&T is using a asus motherboard
>>> and amd processor.  (don't remember exactly but it is quite a bit more
>>> powerful than the atom)  The atom board will run the sample ladder logic
>>> down to about 5khz.
>>> So - the ladder isn't that intense - does classic ladder just take that
>>> much time? Is there another issue?  am I making any sense?  :)  It seems
>>> to me if I made a much larger ladder - it might stop running on the K&T
>>> computer...
>>> sam
> from the source file module_hal.c:
> void HalWriteFloatOutputs(void) {
>      int i;
>      for( i=0; i<InfosGene->GeneralParams.SizesInfos.nbr_phys_float_outputs; 
> i++) {
>          *(hal_float_outputs[i]) = ReadVar(VAR_PHYS_FLOAT_OUTPUT, i);
>      }
> }
> // This actually does the magic of periodic refresh of pins and
> // calculations. This function runs at the period rate of the thread
> // that you added it to.
> // period, leftover, t0,and t1 are in nanoseconds.
> // This function first checks to see if at least 1 millisecond has gone by
> // if the period is under 1 MS then if will not refresh rungs yet but
> // will keep track of how many NS were left over. Does this each period
> // till at least 1 MS has occured, if more then 1 MS then keeps track of
> // leftover NS for accuracy. Bottom line is you can run classiclader in
> // a thread faster than 1 millisecond but it will not refresh the rungs
> // any faster (it can be slower though). If your refresh is too slow and
> // your timer are using multiples of 100 microseconds they might not be 
> accurate.
> // t0 and t1 are for keeping track of how long the refresh of sections,
> // and HAL pins take (it is displayed in the 'section display' GUI (in 
> microseconds).
> static void hal_task(void *arg, long period) {
>      unsigned long t0, t1,milliseconds;
>       static unsigned long leftover=0;
>           leftover += period;
>       milliseconds= leftover / 1000000;
>      leftover %= 1000000;
>      if (milliseconds>= 1) {
>      InfosGene->GeneralParams.PeriodicRefreshMilliSecs=milliseconds;
>      *hal_state = InfosGene->LadderState;
>      t0 = rtapi_get_time();
>          if (InfosGene->LadderState==STATE_RUN)
>              {
>                  HalReadPhysicalInputs();
>                  HalReads32Inputs();
>                                  HalReadFloatInputs();
>                  ClassicLadder_RefreshAllSections();
>                  HalWritePhysicalOutputs();
>                  HalWrites32Outputs();
>                                  HalWriteFloatOutputs();
>              }
>            t1 = rtapi_get_time();
>           InfosGene->DurationOfLastScan = t1 - t0;
>                  }
> }
> later the duration of scan (in nano seconds) is divide by 1000 to display 
> micro seconds
> which fit better in the display.
> I believe the idea of limiting the minimum refresh to 1 millisecond is so it 
> is difficult
> to set a refresh rate that is shorter then the duration rate.
> Maybe there is a better idea?
> Chris M
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