On Saturday, March 24, 2012 04:04:37 PM Jon Elson did opine:

> Dave wrote:
> > Obviously you are not a John Deere lover.   I have been at farm
> > auctions and one 4 bottom plow by Allis Chalmers will go for $200, 
> > the next plow is a 4 bottom John Deere of similar specs - it sells
> > for $800. Seriously.   Some John Deere fans are more like John Deere
> > fanatics.
> Ummm, where do you get Allis Chalmers parts?
> Jon
Somebody still has a web page Jon, see:


I can recall they were selling a few large car engines back in the 70's but 
it didn't take long for lots of truckers to get tired of the breakage & 
swap to something else.  The 650HP was nice, till it munched a pair of rear 
ends, or busted its crankshaft from poor vibration dampers.  Both of which 
were expensive enough it only happened once per trucker.  Usually in the 
first 7500 miles.  Lots of lawsuits according to what I heard while keeping 
lots of their CB's on the air when I was working part time for Vi 
Bernstraugh at Norfolk 2-way Radio in the 70's.  I worked on the radio in a 
KWobbler that had that engine & it shook that tractors cab into an old 
china bowl in 25k miles.  That was what was wrong with the radio too, the 
pcb had broken from the vibration.  He had started out with a Johnson 
whiteface, but it kept shaking the tubes out of their sockets.  I didn't 
tell the Owner-operator, but the only place I would have driven it would 
have been to the salvage yard to weigh it & get a check.  You don't say 
such things to somebody who's $125,000 in debt to buy it.  But I think he 
knew it.

Cheers, Gene
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