On Mon, 2012-04-16 at 20:59 -0700, Terry Christophersen wrote:
> That answers my question.
> That looks like a lot of files to get your turret to work.

I only needed to write the turret.comp and I think the s32equal.comp.
The rest were already available. These config files use the old HAL
commands and need to be updated. I will probably put everything into
one .hal file when I get around to it. I've learned a bit since
converting my HNC, so I would do some things differently now.

> What is the board next to the DAC ?
> I was under the understanding that the PWM main board read the encoders

Those are RS-422 differential receivers that convert the X, Z and
spindle encoder +/- signals to single ended signals. There are RS-422
transmitters on the encoder side of the cables.

These were used to help prevent electrical noise becoming a problem. I'm
not sure they really helped. After putting filters on the VFD's, I've
had no noise issues.

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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