> Hello, Im using a mesa 5i25+7i77 with a MPG12 pendant from cnc4pc.  I
> figured out how to get the xyz axis jog enabled through pncconf
> including the x1,x10,x100 rate settings.  I would like to use the
> pendant's 5th and 6th axis selection for feed speed and spindle rpm
> override.  How to select those?  They are mapped to i777 inputs just
> like the xyz axis selection.  When selecting the checkbox for feed
> override, when you select the mpg option everthing else is greyed out.
>  Also, Is there a pulldown selection for one of the inputs for feed
> override enable?  I can't seem to find it.
> If I need to map it manually in the hal, how do I include another hal
> (like mpg_feed.hal) in pncconf?  I could edit the main hal directly
> but if I ever change anything using pncconf again it will get
> overwritten.
> BTW, pncconf is fantastic!
> Thanks,
> Stephen

I think you are asking to have the selector switch to select the MPG
wheel between feed and spindle override.
PNCconf doesn't provide this option Though maybe I should add it. 
It expects that there is separate MPGs (or switches) for each override.
That is a PNCconf limitation not linuxcnc's.

I think it would be fairly easy to change this behaviour while still using 

hopefully your selection switches can not ever be set so there is an axis
and an override selected at the same time.

select external MPG jogging with shared MPG
select external feed override , use MPG
select external spindle override, use MPG
make two custom  named inputs by typing their name in the combo box.
These are physically connected to your selection switches.

in custom.hal add these commands:

delsig so-count
delsig fo-count 
net feed-or-enable =>  halui.feed-override.count-enable
net spindle-or-enable => halui.spindle-override.count-enable
net joint-selected-count =>  halui.feed-override.counts
net joint-selected-count =>  halui.spindle-override.counts

and hopefully that should do it.
any problems post here again.

Chris M

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