You might want to look at

it is based on graster


On 11/16/2012 07:59 AM, Eric H. Johnson wrote:
> Jeshua,
> There are advantages to using the Z axis for controlling a laser, but they
> come with some problems. Among the advantages are coordinating the laser
> power with the motion of the other axes, lack of stutter as occurs when
> adjusting laser power when it is tied to the spindle, the ability to draw
> the desired image in 3D and get a representative, if not strictly accurate
> rendering / engraving of that image, particularly in rastering type
> applications, etc.
> If you do not need to vary the laser power very often or very quickly, you
> might be better off tying it to the spindle. Since it is an axis, kinematics
> is still going to apply to that axis, thus to change it as quickly as
> possible you will want to use a very small range for the Z value (0.0-0.1
> in/mm or smaller) and then scale up to the values required by the DAC.
> Additionally you need to be very careful with the use of offsets like G92
> commands or you may end up at a different laser power than you thought, or
> even have the laser come on when you thought it should be off in the case of
> using 0.0 for laser off when toggling the shutter is too slow.
> There are several articles in the Wiki on the use of lasers with lcnc.
> Configuration is pretty straight forward, just tie the Z value to the DAC
> using the built in scale parameter if available, or use a scale component if
> it is not.
> Regards,
> Eric
> Greetings,
> I was thinking of controlling my CO2 laser intensity using the Z value in
> the G-Code.
> Maybe I could use 0-1 for 0% to 100% percent, or perhaps 0-255.
> I have a Pico Systems DAC board that outputs 0-5 volts that in turn will
> control the laser power from 0 to 100%.
> Can anyone suggest how I could configure LinuxCNC to control the DAC from Z
> values?
> Or can anyone suggest if there might be a better way to do it?
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