On Sat, 16 Feb 2013 13:34:52 +0000, you wrote:

>Has anyone tried reducing the backlash in a ballnut by fitting oversized balls?
>If so, how did it turn out?

Andy - commercially they don't replace every ball with oversize ones.
They replace every "n" th ball with a slightly oversize one. It's a bit
of a black art and the guys sort of do it by feel. I've seen a screw
that was rebuilt by some company in the midlands and it was superb, and
much cheaper than a replacement, but still out of my pocket. 

I did have a go doing all the linear slides on an Isel router, I
replaced every 5th ball with oversize ones and replaced all the other
balls with correctly sized ones and it worked great. That had had a hard
life cutting ceramic and the dust had got in despite the fact the ways
are covered and the inside was air pressurized in an attempt to keep the
dust out. 

Steve Blackmore

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