
I'm giving some help to a friend that start a mechanical manufacturing 
shop. First machine to get running (in a few week) will be a 3 axis 
small CNC. This machine shall be no problem from what I have done before 
with LinuxCNC.


He asked me If I can restart an old CNC Lathe, that is powerer down for 
several year. On first try, CNC control went ON, but of course machine 
as loose all parameter. Taking the board out to change battery, now the 
CNC control don't want to start anymore... most probably some stress or 
bad soldering appear.... CNC ctrl (OSAI 8600) seems to be obsolete... 
even spare part start to be cheap! I don't know If I am better to loose 
some time trying to restart this old control, or loose some other time 
to start a retrofit ...

Mechanics of the machine is quite clean and powerful (17kW spindle). I 
take a few minute to check the kind of encoder, and it is TTL encoder 
(resolution 1um). I have the hardware manual, there is some valve and 
motor I still don't get the usage, but basically, It look like a perfect 
candidate for a retrofit. What is your feeling ? (I will try to keep the 
installed servo, as this is expensive hardware, And I may save big time 
If I simply replace CPU)

In case I go forward with this project, I will need some informations... 
some I have mind are:

- how an hydraulic turret tool changer work ?
- what frequency and what ratio (ON time per period of use time) I must 
use for oil system ?
- I don't have drive information so far (expect that it is ABB servo 
amplifier), but I expect +-10V control in speed

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