Gentle persons:

A few weeks ago, Brian pointed out that a page on the Wiki 
( was out of date 
with respect to its description of gcodetools, which is now up to 1.7.

Since Brian has already edited that page, I have taken it on myself to 
go after another bastion of out-of-date information, the Cam page 

So far, I have done the following.

1) slightly reorganized the preface material.

2) combined Simple G-Code Generators, CAM Programs, CAD-file to G-Code 
Converters, and File Format-Converters into one table.

3) sorted each subsection of this table by entry name. The result is 
imperfect (some entry names really ought to be changed) but it is surely 
easier to scan.

4) added a new column ("Latest" version/date of release) to this table 
and entered the information I have been able to find.

5) further annotated some entries, for example, to reflect the 
limitations on demo programs. In addition, I noted when the primary link 
is broken and suggested an alternate site when I could find one.

I'm not done (for example, there are entries relating to Dan Heek's 
products that need updating) but I figure what I've done is good enough 
to push to the Wiki.

Next up, is the "CAD Programs For Linux" table.


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