Document all modifications, sizes of fasteners, any alterations to the 
machine's parts that had to be done to fit the CNC motor mounts etc.

Include pictures of it all!

Do all that up in Word, print and comb bind, and include a digital copy on CD-R.

Would be a good idea to keep a copy yourself because whatever it is, someone 
somewhere is going to manage to lose the documentation.

I just went through that with a Sony laptop. A couple of years ago I did a 
clean install of Windows and gave the owner a CD with the customized Windows 
install and another CD with all the drivers.

I just had to do it again but the owner has lost the discs. Would only be the 
extra time to find and download all the drivers again but the laptop has this 
funky scroll bar/wheel on it and for that model Sony has removed the scroll 
driver and software from their website and refuses to let anyone have it. So 
the lappy all works except for that scroll thing, which the owner liked because 
he used it to quickly access all his DJ and audio programs.

Even worse is when a company discontinues a product, removes all mention of and 
software for the product from their website, destroys all physical 
documentation they had on hand, then denies they ever made such a thing.

"But I'm looking at your company name, logo and street address printed right on 
the thing!" "I'm sorry, sir. We didn't make that item."

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