On Saturday 04 May 2013 16:58:39 Bruce Klawiter did opine:

> I know very little about Linux and once in a while it ask for permission
> or some such thing when I am copying, changing or moving files. Just
> now I tried to copy a folder to an SSD and it says it can't because I
> am not the owner, I am the owner what the heck it it talking about. How
> do I tell linux to let me do what ever the hell I want on this
> computer?
> Your help is greatly appreciated,
> Bruce
Bruce:  I suspect you do own the SD card, on the machine it was formatted 

Linux has 2 different schools of thought for the first user number, with 
the majority using #500 for the first user, but the ubuntu based flavors 
all use 1000 as the first user number.

So, plug the card into the box where you are getting these errors, and when 
its mounted, do an ls -la on it.  If in that return, you see a bunch of 
numbers where the user and group should be, that is your problem.

There may be better ways, but I generally will become root and chown the 
whole SD (or CF) card to me:me where me=my username.  Then of course the 
other machine loses out and you have to do it allover again.

Becoming root, and running the file manager as root may in the end be the 
easiest way.

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Cheers, Gene
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