On 04.05.13 13:11, Bruce Klawiter wrote:
> I know very little about Linux and once in a while it ask for
> permission or some such thing when I am copying, changing or moving
> files. Just now I tried to copy a folder to an SSD and it says it
> can't because I am not the owner, I am the owner what the heck it it
> talking about. How do I tell linux to let me do what ever the hell I
> want on this computer?

It that is _really_ wished for, just do everything as root. =8-0
Then it will let you destroy the entire filesystem with a couple of

In above case it seems it is just the SSD which has user IDs (UIDs) set
to values other than yours. To get a handle on what linux is seeing,
try to:

Look at your uid, just FYI:

$ id -a

Now look at a directory on the SSD:

$ ls -l path_to_that_ssd

If column 3 is not equal to your login name, and column 4 is not in the
"groups=" list from our "id" command, above, then your access is reliant
on the last three characters of the first column. If they were something
like -rw-r--r--, then you could read but not write. (But the owner can.)

If there are numbers, rather than account names, then the uid is not
known on the current host. (i.e it lacks an entry in /etc/passwd)

The manpage for chmod provides some clues, if you already know most of
it, but to get there, a good starting point would be:


There is merit in skipping the "Octal Notation" section, until you can
read drwxr-xr-x as you would plain text.

I figure that you've already applied the hammer fix:

$ sudo chown -R bruce.bruce path_to_that_ssd

(Or done an "su", to the same effect.)

The "bruce.bruce" sets both uid (first half) and gid (second half) on
all files on the SSD (-R) to you, assuming that "bruce" is your login
name, and that your account is set up with the ubuntu default of a
same-named group for each user. If you just use one "bruce", the gid
will stay as it was - something you may never subsequently notice, but
it could be considered untidy.

Hopefully that allows you to be a super user, and own what you possess. :-)


The New York Times has referred to Australia's gun laws as a "road map" for the
US, saying that "in the 18 years before the law, Australia suffered 13 mass
shootings - but not one in the 14 years after the law took full effect."

(I was furious when a past PM pushed through the laws, but we do manage
to hunt without semi-autos now.)

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