2013/6/12 Matt Shaver <m...@mattshaver.com>:
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:17:05 +0200
> Sven Wesley <svenne.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...and why isn't it promoted at http://linuxcnc.org?
> Mostly because we're a bunch of knuckleheads. Is this you?
> https://www.facebook.com/sven.wesley I ask because if it is, you
> probably don't live in the US (if you're wondering, it was the
> diacritical marks that gave you away).
> Anyway, Wichita, Kansas is where Stuart Stevenson has his airplane
> parts making shop. Every once in a while he (and Roland Friestad
> in Galesburg, Illinois before him) has a get together of the linuxcnc
> developers. It's hard to recommend that someone attend these meetings
> unless they are a hard core linuxcnc enthusiast. If you've never
> been to one, whatever you imagine these meetings to be like is probably
> wrong. Let's just say they are a rather singular experience, kind of
> like Burning Man but a lot smaller and without girls.
> Anyway, if I have the right Sven Wesley, you seem to be one of those
> X-Games/Extreme Sports guys so I can't rule out the possibility that
> you might own an airplane. If so, and you decide to show up, call me on
> my cell at (443)789-4628 and I'll get you picked up from the airport
> (ICT). If you come, I'll buy you a steak dinner (apologies if you're
> vegan).
> Thanks,
> Matt

Yes, that's me. And it's not very difficult to find me, with or
without diacrit's (NSA; is it good or bad from a terrorist point of
view to have a 1 in a 9-billion unique name?).

This is more or less the only communication channel I'm using for
LinuxCNC. As I see it it's kinda sad that here is a large open
community but the core(?) developers get together without anyone
outside the developer's list knowing about it. I would say I'm very
pro LinuxCNC and even though I don't have time to code anything right
now because of other software projects it might be possible that I
chime in somewhere in the future. And with that said, I think more
people like me would involve themselves in the project if we could at
least get a glance what's happening. Don't get me wrong here, you all
do a terrific job, my machines runs daily thanks to your work and of
course you should meat up and have a bear or two. Carrots aren't for

On the other hand (I have expressed the same opinion before) I think
there are too many communication channels for this project. Several
mailing list, IRC, forum here forum there, wiki documents everywhere.
I could have missed it, there probably was a note somewhere (several
people do know about it for sure) but I couldn't find a reference what
it is all about.

Where I live, companies can clear out VAT against investments. I have
too much VAT generated by sales right now and a business trip to the
states could easily been covered by the firm. You never now, next time
I might show up. If I know about it.

BTW, I do have a license. But I prefer it engineless. ;)
And my carrot soup is kicking.

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