Den 28 aug 2013 18:19 skrev "Gene Heskett" <>:
> On Wednesday 28 August 2013 12:15:01 Dave Caroline did opine:
> >
> > His mistake in the open source world is missing the attributions.
> >
> > Dave
> Something that should not be ignored, ever.

Ok, my view is pretty simple. If you post anything on the Internet it will
be used/slashed/copied. If you can't afford a lawyer get used to it. How
many of the copy rats cares about the license? Very few if not none. I
watermarked images before but it took too much time, I write text on my
tech blogs and I know they are being copied. What can I do about it? Not
much, except not posting at all. I share because i believe in it so I will
not stop.

Do I post my content with a license? Not really, there's a note on the side
that says you're free to link the images. i didn't change it when I skipped
the water marking. I don't think that matters at all.
If I post a code snippet or hardware related "inventions" I always go for
the WTFPL license. Why? Because I'm probably not first doing and it _will_
be copied. On the other hand, if I copy a text I always link back or refer
to the originating location and i try to tell the author as well. If the
link goes rotten I have at least listed where it really came from.

I agree that the author of the write up should have linked back or referred
to the original author though. I didn't know that much was copied except
for the LinuxCNC sites which is obviously copied, though there are some
useful "chapters" written about the machine itself and there are few write
ups about retro's.
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