On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 12:57 PM, <emc-users-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net>wrote:

> Re: lineardeltakins and 'World mode' problems (Viesturs L?cis)

"Are those machine or relative coordinates?

Currently it seems that Andy is right - you see relative (workpiece)
coordinates so simply do "touch off" for Z axis. Ideally for testing
purposes you might want to set workpiece and machine coordinates to be the
same. You can switch Axis GUI to show either machine or relative
coordinates with Shift+3 combination to see, what is the difference between
In MDI you can also command a movement in machine coordinate system by
adding G53 before G0 word. This is one more thing you can use for testing.
It looks to me that there are few things for you to learn about all these
various coordinate system things, so here is a link for a start:

fter reading t
he above
 link you offered
 answered alot of questions in one short page!!
I am not sure which coordinates they are to be honest, but since that page
said the default coordinates are G54 on startup then I would think that
they are relative.

I understand how the coordinate systems are working in LCNC now and alot
less confused :)

I am going touch off the Z axis to 0 to bring it under the machine limit of
200/-200 in the INI file and see if I can move all 3 joints up and down
like it's supposed to move. If this works out then I know the kinematics
are working as planned and then I can set up the actual machine coordinates
and limits to my actual machine boundaries and go from there.

Its been so long since I've last used a CNC machine (home built back in
2005/6 using Mach3) and really did everything in machine coordinates on
that since I was only cutting wood objects 1 at a time.

I can see how powerful LCNC is now and the possibilities are endless with
its G/M Codes.

Thank you very much for the help!


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