The manuals are quite large, well not as large as they used to be so I 
assume you missed this important section on HAL. In particular look at 
the diagram in the net section 1.4.

On 9/10/2013 12:05 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
> Silly little HAL question if I may (I have RTFM and Googled but not
> found an obvious answer).
> Can you 'connect' two pins to the same signal without using or2 ?
> I managed to configure two buttons on my pendant to do an estop but had
> to use an or2....  which is a bit clunky.
> I was just playing with the pyvcp examples and added the jog buttons but
> linuxcnc errors out with:
>> Starting LinuxCNC...
>> custom_postgui.hal:35: Signal 'jog-minus-x' can not add OUT pin 
>> 'pyvcp.x-minus', it already has OUT pin 'xhc-hb04.jog.minus-x'
>> Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
> It's not a huge problem to use or2 but I thought I'd ask to see if I'm
> missing a trick.
> TIA.

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