Got the drives and motors from Wantai Motor (same company as Longs Motor). Same 
Chinese stuff as a dozen others sell.
Their drives are marked DQ860MA.

The signal connectors have + and - for pulse, direction, and enable. All the - 
terminals connect together to a ground for each motor output on the BOB I'm 
using. On the BOB that came with the set all the - lines from all the drives 
were supposed to connect to a single terminal. (That looked like a sure fire 
way for a short or power spike to fry everything.)

The other connections are ground an +VDC for power and A+ A- B+ B- for the 
motor coils. There's also 8 switches. One enables/disables idle current 
reduction. The others set the current from 2.8/2.0 peak/RMS to 7.8/5.6 and the 
pulse/rev from 400 to 51200.

Couldn't get any movement except sporadic jerking until I set the switches for 
400 and entered 200 in stepconf.

If I check the invert box on the direction pin it changes which button makes 
the motor spin, but it will only spin counterclockwise.

Right now I just want to get them to spin in both directions so I know the 
hardware is good, ought to be, it's all new. Full configuration can wait until 
the mill is ready to have the motors installed. (I had three 4 on 75mm to 
NEMA34 adapter plates made by Augustine Machine. $62 something shipped.)

I checked again and just a little gentle rotation around the shaft axis while 
running makes it stop. So does picking it straight up in line with the shaft 
axis. That's the issue that's really bugging me because that's the motion the X 
axis motor is going to get a lot of.

Have to get it to run both directions to see if it's some setup fault causing 
the motion sickness. I know other people are using this BOB and these drives or 
very similar ones with LinuxCNC. Would be nice if they'd share their stepconf 

When/if this works I'll share mine *and* the wiring details showing exactly 
what connects where. Whomever the actual manufacturer of the motors is, they've 
changed the wire colors to red, green, blue, yellow on the 4 wire ones but 
nobody has documentation showing those colors. Holding wires together shows the 
coils are red/green and blue/yellow.

On Sat, 9/21/13, Andrew <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Very weird thing with my stepper motors. They don't 
like to be moved while running.
 To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <>
 Date: Saturday, September 21, 2013, 11:10 PM
 2013/9/22 Gregg Eshelman <>
 > With my new BOB (HY-JK02-M) I've managed to get a motor
 to run and run
 > smoothly, but only in one direction. (Once I set the
 parallel port pins to
 > match the docs settings for Mach3.) I tried swapping
 the wires on one
 > phase, ran quite rough and still only one direction so
 I swapped them back.
 > I've checked the connection tightness multiple times on
 everything, all
 > screwed down tight.
 Some drives have step/dir and cw/ccw modes, check that.
 > That's not the weird thing. What is effed up is that
 when the motor is
 > running if I pick it up or move it, it stops running.
 Doesn't matter if
 > it's laying down or standing on its back end, if it's
 picked straight up or
 > allowed to rotate around its shaft axis it locks up and
 squeals. Tried two
 > of the three, both do the same thing.
 That's weird. Which stepper drives do you use?
 > That is going to be a bit useless on a mill table where
 the X-axis motor
 > is going to be moving back and forth.

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