I do have some Scottish in my blood I believe... I had red hair at one 
time lol.

With no limits or home switches I would configure the axes as follows:
X 0 - 550 (if that is the X travel)
Y 0 - 400
Z 0 - 60

I would move the axes to the following positions then home each axis:
X left most position (of the tool, you might have to move the table to 
the right to move the tool to the left)
Y rear most position (of the tool)
Z fully up

Now your machine limits match your machine. You still have to touch off 
the work piece to machine a part but you will not run past the physical 
limits even if the program tries too.

When you press the + key for an axis the tool should move in the 
following directions:
X Right
Y Away
Z Up


On 10/15/2013 12:13 AM, Richard Thornton wrote:
> Thanks Andy and John, very helpful.
> John, cool tutorial, I'm a Scotsman living in Australia now :)
> Let's say you had just bought a chinese 6040 bridge gantry CNC (work
> area is roughly 550 x 400 x 60mm), of course you are going to use it
> with linuxcnc, it doesn't have any limits, how would you configure:
> X axis table travel and home
> Y axis table travel and home
> Z axis table travel and home
> Thanks again.
> Richard
>> John Thornton wrote:
>> Typically a mill like machine has the machine home up for Z. This means
>> that Z travel goes from 0 to -something. Standing in front of the
>> machine with the X axis perpendicular to you positive movement on the X
>> moves the "tool" to the right and positive movement on the Y moves the
>> "tool" away from you and positive movement on the Z moves the "tool" up.
>> The reference to the "tool" is because some machines move the table and
>> some move the spindle. Table to the left moves the "tool" to the right etc.
>> If you don't have home switches make a match mark for each axis and jog
>> to that point and press the home button when that axis is selected. This
>> will make your limits functional. Typically you move to the zero
>> position of the part and touch off the tool to establish the part
>> position. Once you touch off if the part is within the limits you can run.
>> Some good reading here:
>> http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/g-code/index.html
>> Are you by any chance from North Carolina?
>> JT
>> Andy Pugh wrote:
>> The problem is that the machine thinks that the G-code lies outside
>> its limits. If you look in the graphical preview you will see a red
>> box, this is where the machine thinks that its limits are.
>> You need to ensure that its view of the situation is accurate.
>> There are two stages to go through here. One of them is normally
>> automatic, and happens during the homing sequence, the second is part
>> of setting up for the current job.
>> The first thing you need to do is home the machine. As you don't have
>> home switches you need to jog the machine to the specified home
>> position (275,200,5) and then home each axis via the GUI. This tells
>> the controller where the machine is on each physical axis. ("Homing"
>> basically means telling the machine that the current axis physical
>> location matches the "HOME" location in the INI file. You can use
>> labels on the axes, or pointers. scribed marks or a datum block or
>> anything for this part.
>> LinuxCNC now knows where the ends of travel of the physical axes are,
>> and can avoid running in to them.
>> There is an alternative to this. You can set the NO_FORCE_HOMING
>> option in the INI file. If you do this then the machine will assume
>> that wherever it is can be called machine-coordinate home. In this
>> case you probably want to make the axis limits at least twice as large
>> as the physical limits. (to account for the machine being powered up
>> anywhere in the work envelope, and still being able to reach anywhere
>> else.
>> If there is any danger at all of your machine hurting itself against
>> the end stops I would discourage the NO_FORCE_HOMING option.
>> Once the machine is homed you then need to tell it where the workpiece
>> is. This is the "touch off" stage. If you are using the Axis GUI then
>> you will see an XYZ triad on the display, this shows the (0,0,0)
>> location that the G-code is referenced to. This is almost never the
>> same as the machine (0,0,0) You should jog the (possibly imaginary)
>> cutter to a point on the (possibly imaginary) workpiece that matches
>> the origin of the G-code and use the "Touch off" button to set the
>> axis positions,
>> For more accuracy you can follow this process. Jog the cutter close to
>> the work in the axis being set. Hold a dowel (I use a broken 6mm
>> milling cutter) against the side of the tool, then slowly jog away
>> until the dowel slides underneath. Then touch-off and type the dowel
>> diameter in the box.
> On 10/9/2013 5:00 AM, Richard Thornton wrote:
>> Thanks Dave and Marius!
>> Dave so this is different than table travel from stepconf axis config?:
>> MIN_LIMIT = -1000 - The minimum limit (soft limit) for axis motion, in
>> machine units. When this limit is exceeded, the controller aborts axis
>> motion.
>> MAX_LIMIT = 1000 - The maximum limit (soft limit) for axis motion, in
>> machine units. When this limit is exceeded, the controller aborts axis
>> motion.
>> Marius so I will set home back to 0 for xyz in stepconf axis config.
>> So if I have:
>> X axis table travel 0 to 550 home 0
>> Y axis table travel 0 to 400 home 0
>> Z axis table travel 0 to 60 home 0
>> Does that seem correct?
>> Where would the negative values I have seen in example screenshots be
>> relevant to table travel?
>> If the above values are correct what would my values be for MIN_LIMIT
>> MAX_LIMIT, I am also confused about the use of negative values, the
>> MIN_LIMIT example above is -1000?
>> Thanks again.
>> Richard
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 08:36:44 +0100
>> From: Dave Caroline <dave.thearchiv...@gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Extremely confused about axis and home,
>>           please help...
>> To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
>>           <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
>> Message-ID:
>> <CALfYgt=rkGV8wdbmR9PRU90nDYfD=v85TWr=W=qgxwukrgq...@mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 6:40 AM, Richard Thornton
>> <richie.thorn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So I have one of the Chinese 6040 gantry CNC routers, like this, I
>>> have setup the axis as I have indicated in the image:
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/ochmutxnacs4fo6/6040.JPG
>>> The 6040 does not have any limit/home switches yet.
>>> Now under stepconf, using mm, I have setup:
>>> X 0-550 home 275
>>> Y 0-400 home 200
>>> Z 0-60 home 5
>>> Putting home in the centre of xy to keep it simple right now
>>> All of the axis move OK, so my next step way to get it to go through
>>> some gcode without any tool, I get various error but they are all of
>>> the same flavour:
>>> Program exceeds machine minimum on axis x
>>> Program exceeds machine minimum on axis y
>>> Program exceeds machine minimum on axis z
>> Make sure you edit your axis limits (MIN_LIMIT,MAX_LIMIT) to match.
>> in the relevant axis section
>> see
>> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/config/ini_config.html#_axis_lt_num_gt_section_a_id_sub_axis_section_a
>> Dave Caroline
>>> Linear move on line 7 would exceed joint 0's negative limit
>>> I also get errors about it not being homed, then under "Manual
>>> Control" I select each axis and click "Home", I think this is wrong.
>>> I tried the LinuxCNC logo gcode that loads as default and created my
>>> own 50x50 text in Cut2D both give similar errors to the ones above.
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/n803ycbfmkm3u8g/Quick%20Engrave%201.ngc
>>> I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong here, please help.
>>> Thanks for looking.
>>> Cheers
>>> Richard
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