Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> A few months back I wrote a 'peck rigid tap' routine for use where the hole 
> was much deeper than the tap diameter, and for the job I asked it to do, it 
> worked well.
> But I am noticing when cutting air, that it seems to be uncoupling Z from 
> the spindle, stopping z short, turning the spindle around and picking the 
> synched Z move back up as it backs the tap out of the hole for chip 
> clearance.
You should use Halscope to record the spindle position and the Z position.
If it is doing what you say, there should be obvious steps and flats in the
Z position.  Or, if there are steps and flats in the spindle pos, then it
is the spindle encoder that is going erratic.

What version of LinuxCNC are you using, and what hardware interface for
the motion?


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