On 09/11/13 16:45, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 09 November 2013 11:11:40 Kirk Wallace did opine:
>> I was recently looking at task, which also looked like it had no source.
>> After poking around a while, it looks like task, and likely halui, are
>> made up from other files brought to gether by the local makefile. I
>> think having a good understanding of the make system, which I don't
>> possess, should reveal the secrets behind these non-source files. This
>> is what I have found on making so far:
>> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MakefileDeMystified
> It appears I am barking up the wrong tree, it (halui.c) is in camunits-emc,
> and it is not currently rebuildable on Lucid, without a lot of fixing I'm
> not qualified to do.  I saw Jon Kasunich mentioned somewhere in that I
> believe, but the build I'm trying to use was last built in 2008.  On Hardy
> maybe.
> Perhaps, if that was Jon K., he could be persuaded to revisit that code &
> bring it up to buildable on lucid?
> Paging Jon K. (pause) Paging Jon K. ;)
> In the meantime, all this video processing takes way too long, so I have
> posted to the linux-usb list, asking if its possible, from the
> lsusb -v output, to determine the cameras native imager resolution and its
> resultant RGB, BGR, etc format so that it doesn't waste time re-arranging,
> interpolating and compressing the data before it wraps it in a usb packet &
> stuffs it into the cable.
> A secondary problem is that libv4lconvert yelps loudly about formats
> unknown when querying the logitech C920.  I haven't tried transplanting a
> newer version for the default lucid version.
> Thanks Kent.
>> On 11/09/2013 01:02 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Greetings;
>>> It appears that /usr/bin/halui has never been edited and rebuilt since
>>> a long time back.
>>> When the camview-emc stanza for [HALUI] is added to the ini file, I am
>>> getting a whole raft load of errors because halui can't find stuff it
>>> is apparently hard coded for, starting with the use of the "emc"
>>> naming convention.
>>> Is there a fix?  Or, since I don't know where this file comes from, is
>>> it camview-emc's responsibility?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Cheers, Gene
> Cheers, Gene
are you using this version of Halio
which is fixed for linuxcnc libs etc


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