On 13.11.13 15:59, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I have added /usr/lib/camunits to one of the files in /etc/ld.so.conf.d, 
> and have verified that path is correct, but I don't seem to be able to make 
> a "sudo ldconfig -v|less" show me that it is seeing a single one of the 
> dozen plus .so files there.  I was under the impression all we ever had to 
> give it was the top level of a tree it (ldconfig) was supposed to process.

Gene, what you should specify (AIUI) is the actual directory containing
the .so, as shown by a comparison with e.g.

$ more /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libasound2.conf

$ ls /usr/lib/alsa-lib
libasound_module_conf_pulse.so libasound_module_ctl_arcam_av.so

If that's analogous to what you have, then have you tried:

$ ldconfig -p | grep <camunits_or_whatever_the_lib_is_called>

With -p it lists candidate libraries stored in the current cache.
(Reams of 'em.)

Once that picks it up, you're in with a chance.

Silly question time: the .so was in /usr/lib/camunits, when ldconfig -v
was run?  (Just checkin ;)

If that doesn't do it, and you're (fed up and) not stopping to chase the
showstopper down all its burrows, then the following has worked for me
for a quick result. For the Bitscope I'd put the required library in
/usr/lib/bitscope, and even this result:

$ ldconfig -p | grep libborqt
  libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so (libc6) => /usr/lib/bitscope/libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so
wasn't enough for the .so to be found, so I just banged this onto the
command line:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/bitscope:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Then the executable happily found the .so more or less "manually".

> Perhaps I'm running it wrong?

Yup. The secret is to run it less wrong, till it works well enough for
now, as far as I can tell.


Without fertilizers derived from fossil fuels, we just can't feed 7 billion
people. Just hope and pray that our technologies improve greatly before fossil
fuels run out or it becomes totally untenable to continue using them.
 - roddo, commenting on 

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