> Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 17:25:03 +0100
> From: br...@tinkerbox.org
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Emc-users Digest, Vol 94, Issue 17
> This is a stepper system, trivkins, 3 axis mill.
> I kind of assumed that the tuning in pncconf is using the configuration 
> that it will write, it's not very useful if one tunes things but then 
> the parameters to use are different...
> so you are referring to these
>   *
>     /STEPGEN_MAXACCEL = 21.0/- Acceleration limit for the step
>     generator. This should be 1% to 10% larger than the axis
>     MAX_ACCELERATION. This value improves the tuning of stepgen's
>     "position loop". If you have added backlash compensation to an axis
>     then this should be 1.5 to 2 times greater than MAX_ACCELERATION.
>   *
>     /STEPGEN_MAXVEL = 1.4/- Older configuration files have a velocity
>     limit for the step generator as well. If specified, it should also
>     be 1% to 10% larger than the axis MAX_VELOCITY. Subsequent testing
>     has shown that use of STEPGEN_MAXVEL does not improve the tuning of
>     stepgen's position loop.
> looking at the hostmot driver
>   *
>     /maxaccel/- (Float, RW) Maximum acceleration, in position units per
>     second per second. If set to 0, the driver will not limit its
>     acceleration.
>   *
>     /maxvel/- (Float, RW) Maximum speed, in position units per second.
>     If set to 0, the driver will choose the maximum velocity based on
>     the values of steplen and stepspace (at the time that maxvel was set
>     to 0).
> seems like it would be best to specify 0 for both of those as the per 
> axis limits would still be in place ?
> I am going to play with that and see... thanks for the reply

Don't set them to 0. It doesn't work reliably.
Pncconf sets them to 25% more.

Does your drives require an enable ? I would check that signal with
halmeter or a real meter.

While pncconf uses the same numbers as it tunes ( as long as you clicked accept)
It doesn't use the same HAL code in the test as in linuxcnc so problems can
creep in and bugs are always possible.

Chris M   

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