On 9 February 2014 20:52, bruno <br...@tinkerbox.org> wrote:

> - if I stop the movement and continue in the same direction : no
> problem, it will start moving (and stop) smoothly
> - if I stop the movement and go jog in the opposite direction, I
> immediately get a following error.

This points very strongly to the problem being the backlash
compensation. (which won't be active in pncconf).

In fact you have a backlash compensation of 0.05 and an f-error of
0.005. So on every reversal you are _automatically_ out of position by
10x your f-error limit.

Your step scale of 314 steps per mm means that you have a resolution
of 0.003mm, so your f-error is 1 microstep.  That's pretty tight,
especially for the high-speed f-error.
Try 0.015 for min_ferror and 0.1 for f-error and things should run
rather better.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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