On 02/10/2014 03:45 AM, Daniel Duesentrieb wrote:
> Folks,
> I am trying to get this servo moving with the drivers from 
> Pico-Systems.
> I am going to wire like this:
> http://pico-systems.com/images/fanuc.pdf
> But here is my question: What about the 2 (one on the 
> servo, one on the "red cab" encoder) 3-pin connector?
> As I understand is the one on the motor the brake. But 
> what is the one on the cab?
You mean a small, 2-pin connector on the red cap of the encoder?
The early Fanuc red cap ABS encoders had an add-on battery
feature.  Apparently, (I haven't tested this, but it was 
described to
me) when the controller +5V came up, these would send a stream
of quadrature counts to tell the controller how far from the 
location the motor currently was.  That connector was for
the backup battery for this function to work.  Assuming you have
a way to home the robot, you don't need this feature.  If you
don't have a way to safely home the robot, then you might
want to explore how this feature works.


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