I have the logi-bone on order as well.  that is what made me think of how I
could use it for linuxcnc as well of other projects of course.
I don't write vhdl for a living so all that is still slightly foreign but
fascinating to me.
keep us in the loop on your efforts with the logi-bone as well as the mesa
card and let me know if you need anyone to help with testing with the
logi-bone stuff.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Charles Steinkuehler <
char...@steinkuehler.net> wrote:

> On 2/25/2014 7:45 AM, Josiah Morgan wrote:
> > I noticed that xylotex has an fpga cape in the works for beaglebone
> black.
> >  (as well as other similar items from other sources)
> > I was curious if anyone was looking into the implementation of such fpga
> > capes into a linuxcnc build.
> > also, what would be the benefits and drawbacks to the addition of this
> fpga
> > module?
> > has anyone thought about how linuxcnc would be able to actually take
> > advantage of the fpga capabilities?
> > I'm just curious because I could see some benefits of possibly allowing
> the
> > fpga to house the kinematics functions as well as drive multiple step
> pins
> > simultaneously.  I just don't know how linuxcnc would command it.
> > anyway, I just wanted to bring this up for discussion and see what
> thoughts
> > people had on it.
> I've got a logi-bone coming from the Kickstarter project, and will try
> and play with the Xylotex board when it becomes available.  I'm also
> looking at modifying one of the parallel port Mesa cards to talk
> directly to the BeagleBone (vs. trying to do SPI or parallel port
> emulation with the PRU).
> With all of these, I suspect the easiest path to working systems will be
> to get the hostmot2 VHDL code running on the FPGA and modify the hm2 HAL
> driver to talk to them.  It's all pretty straight-forward (says the guy
> who writes VHDL code for a living and ported the hm2 PCI driver to
> user-space).
> The general benefits would be the same as switching from software
> stepgen to a Mesa card on an x86 system, although perhaps not _quite_ as
> dramatic.  The PRU can give you a 2-10x improvement over typical x86
> software stepgen (1-10 uS threads vs. 10-25 uS or so), where the Mesa
> card is about a 500x improvement (or 20 nS "thread") assuming a 50 MHz
> clock.
> --
> Charles Steinkuehler
> char...@steinkuehler.net
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Josiah Morgan, P.E.
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