On Thursday 06 March 2014 19:54:11 Bill did opine:

> Hi Everyone
> My Name is Bill, I'm an aged pensioner and new to cnc
> When I open the linuxcnc configuration wizard and click "modify a
> Configuration" I am sent to a "Modify Existing configuration" window.
> I select the machine I wish to use and click "open" but nothing happens.
> What am I doing wrong.
> Regards Bill

First, welcome Bill, its a great hobby for the later years, been retired 
close to 12 years myself.

Second, it sounds as if you ran the servo configurator rather than the 
stepgen config generator, so lets start by asking you to describe your 

Mill, lathe, some other critter?

what kind of motors?

what kind of motor drivers?

general description of the driving computer?

Cheers, Gene
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