On 6 April 2014 05:17, Howard Mearns <hmea...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Does removing the y axis mean that axis 1 is now the z axis?

Others have explained what to do, but here is a small explanation of why.

When LinuxCNC was first written there was an assumption made that an
"X" in the G-code would always drive motor-0, "Y" would drive motor-1
and so on.
The G-code axis words are (in this fixed sequence) X-0, Y-1, Z-2, A-3,
B-4, C-5, U-6, V-7, W-8.
Internally the motion module creates enough axis-data for as many axes
as are specified in the HAL file line that loads the motion
If you look in the HAL file you will probably see a line like this:
loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT ... num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES
That loads the motion controller specified in  the INI file [EMCMOT]
section and tells it to handle [TRAJ]AXES axes.
What this means in practice is that [TRAJ]AXES isn't actually the
count of axes needed, it is the index of the highest axis in use.

You could have a single-axis machine using only W and that would need
a 9-axis config.

There is a development branch of LinuxCNC which removes some (or
perhaps all) of these assumptions.

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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