On 2014-05-02 19:42, Philipp Burch wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> not that I knew about a good camera for this, but since it somehow fits
> the topic, let me just briefly say a few words to an alignment software
> I made some time ago.
> Under http://hb9etc.ch/hg/aligner you can find some code which allows a
> cheap camera to be used for automatic alignment. The program uses OpenCV
> to grab frames from a camera and can then locate a template image inside
> the captured frame to determine the position of some prominent
> structure. We use this on our dispenser to automatically align to PCB
> traces. It is not especially fast or reliable when it comes to different
> lighting conditions, but it works quite well. A simple textual
> socket-based interface allows for remote control of it, so that a
> GladeVCP (which controls most of the special dispenser features) can use
> it during the production process. A python module providing some
> abstraction can be found in the src/ directory as well.
> Feel free to comment or ask questions about it. Maybe it's of use for
> someone else.
Sounds interesting.
I will give it a try.

> Cheers,
> Philipp

Thank you,


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