On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@wdtv.com> wrote:

> On closer inspection, this level was made by the Union Tool people.
> Anybody recall any other details about it?
> I look at it like my Bailey #7 jointer plane, awful rusty when I laid eyes
> on it the first time at a flea market, but I almost broke the guys hand
> putting the $20 bill in it he wanted for it.  Cleaned up, sharpened up, it
> sings to you when you use it, and makes straighter butt joints than a $350
> Delta 6" jointer.  I've seen them advertised by those who deal in old
> tools, always north of a $100 bill.  Sometimes pushing for $200.
> Cheers, Gene

I've got a couple of block planes, one an old Stanley I restored, and the
other a Lie-Neilsen.  Back when I was hand planing bamboo strips to make
fly rods, those planes would just sing when planing down the strip.

Here's the Lie-Nielsen block plane I have (the high angle):


I also have one of their very nice scraper planes (I have the one with the
bronze body):


A few whacks of the blade on the honing plate, and the Lie-Nielsen's are
ready for use.  They come tuned out of the box, and are a true joy to use.
And their blades hold an edge seemingly forever, which is tough to do on
bamboo, with it's high silica content.

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