On Saturday 21 June 2014 09:44:36 Jack Coats did opine
And Gene did reply:
> http://youtu.be/hnDKqr-g3t4
> Any ideas on how to implement this kind of thing?
> I know it is more than I have the ability for, but it could be a
> fantastic edition that allows
> LinuxCNC to be even more useful to small businesses.
> ><> ... Jack

I think so too Jack, but at the same time, with our ability to build 
custom Mwords, and carve up hal files, I would state that the limits of 
what LCNC can do right now, are far from being fully explored.  I can 
envision a row of machines, each doing a specific operation to work mount 
on a pallet, with nothing more than a tally signal to indicate state of 
each machine, busy or finished, that in turn tells the robot to unload 
that pallet, park it, and get another pallet and reload that particular 
machine.  Each machine would be running at its own best pace so the 
overall production would be limited by the slowest operation of course, 
but still, with say 5 or 6 machines in a row, it would outrun a human 
trying to keep up.

That doesn't neutralize the fact that 99% of such setups are going to be 
one offs though.  And they will need someone familiar enough with that 
setup to reset/reprogram it for the next, different part.  It will also 
need, built into each machine, or into the robot, a means of servicing 
dull tooling.

Code for an individual operation will tend to be made into reusable 
modules, perhaps even taking stored in memory, globally named values for 
how deep this hole is going to be, set by the master program.

I don't think any of this is beyond what LCNC can do right now.  Obviously 
not thru the pin limited parport, but folks like PCW sell the stuff to 
blow that limit into the next drainage.

I'm your old fart here, but every time I come across an operation that my 
toys can't do, I find its usually nothing more than a dozen or so more 
lines in the hal file to make it do it, G33.1 for instance on a lathe with 
a single quadrant spindle drive.  A few lines of hal to synthesize the 
stop missing from G33.1 when it turns around, a triplet of ice cube relays 
to rig up dynamic braking, staged in effect by 2 more relays from the 
instantly known spindle speed, and a loop of gcode running g33.1 with 
variable arguments each pass thru the loop, and I can put a 1/4" or 6mm 
tap, in a drill chuck mounted in a boring bar holder, and I can tap that 
hole an inch deep (or however long the tap is) without stressing the tap.  
I program it to pull the tap out far enough I have time to blow it clean 
and drop enough cutting oil on it for the next pass back in, usually going 
between 1/2 and 3/4 turn farther each time.

The only problem with that I found while cutting air, is that if it hits 
the -z limit set in the .ini file, a g33.1 comes uncoupled at the limit, 
the carriage stops moving until the spindle has completed the reverse and 
the phantom Z comes back past that limit, at which point the carriage 
resumes tracking the rigid tapping motion for the back out move.  Found by 
cutting air so no broken tap (yet).

Thats why, at nearly 300 LOC, my hal file for a puny little 7x12 seems to 
be the longest hal file extant here. But it works.

I won't say its unlimited, but we have NOT fully explored what it can do 
right now.

We certainly have no shortage of talented people here who CAN do this 
stuff.  And I thank them for these tools every time I open the shop door.  
But not loud enough I fear.  Thank you all.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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