On Friday 04 July 2014 03:08:45 Marcus Bowman did opine
And Gene did reply:
> On 4 Jul 2014, at 02:28, Jon Elson wrote:
> > On 07/03/2014 04:18 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >> But it occurs to me that this code is dig cutting, meaning the bit
> >> as it dulls, will skid rather than shave at first contact and be
> >> pushed farther and farther off the line until it snaps.
> > 
> > I have been climb milling since 1997, when I got ballscrews
> > on the
> > machine.  I almost never conventional mill, as it leads to more
> > wear on the cutter, and massively worse surface finish on
> > aluminum.
> I certainly agree with that. I typically rough out using conventional
> milling and cutters designed specifically for aluminium, then finish
> with a climb cut. Increasingly, though, I do the roughing cuts using
> climb milling too. Finishing with a climb cut produces a mirror-like
> finish that needs no further work. The only fly in the ointment is
> backlash, even on ballscrews, where climb milling tends to reveal any
> tendency for the nut to 'float' on the screw as the feed changes
> direction. If the cutter is long, and its in full contact with the
> work (e.g. a 40mm long cutter with 38mm in contact with the work (not
> taking a 38mm deep cut all at once, of course) it can leave a mark on
> the work. Double ballnuts might solve that. See  the photo currently
> at
> www.cncintheworkshop.com/Welcome.html
> for example.
> The top of the yoke was flycut, but the sides are 38mm deep and cut
> with an end mill. It goes straight to the platers to be gold plated.
> Marcus

Thats beautiful work Marcus, I'm jealous.  My toy has never been in the 
same ballpark with machines that can do that. I always see horizontal 
lines from what can only be imperfections in the tools sharpness.  And 
vertical lines that I assume come from the lack of another half ton of 
cast iron in the frame.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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