On Monday 22 September 2014 09:29:48 David Armstrong did opine
And Gene did reply:
> ok heres a quick comp
> which i think should do it , although it may need debugging as to order
> component 2inx4out "2-input to 4 out decoder";
> pin in bit in0;
> pin in bit in1;
> pin out bit outa;
> pin out bit outb;
> pin out bit outc;
> pin out bit outd;
> function _;
> license "GPL";
> ;;
>     if ( in1 && in0 ) {
>         outa = 0;
>         outb = 0;
>         outc = 0;
>         outd = 0;
Both 0x11 true, then outd s/b true(1) above
>     } else if (in1 && !in0) {
>         outa = 1;
>         outb = 1;
>         outc = 0;
>         outd = 0;
Binary 0x10 s/b only outc true
>     } else if (!in1 && in0) {
>         outa = 0;
>         outb = 0;
>         outc = 1;
>         outd = 1;
Binary 0x01 s/b only outb true
>     } else if (!in1 && !in0) {
>         outa = 1;
>         outb = 1;
>         outc = 1;
>         outd = 1;
and 0x00  s/b only outa true> 
>     }
> }

Which should work as intended. All i/o is "bit", true or false.
Done in assembly would be 1/20th the size, and fast enough for a base-
thread usage.  But C builds anyplace. :)

> On 22 September 2014 13:36, andy pugh <bodge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 22 September 2014 13:01, Axel Zأ¶llich <fa...@zoellich.de> wrote:
> > > 1 out of 4 demux this is:
> > >  two 7i76 in pins demuxed to 4 hal signals (choosen joint X or Y or
> > >  Z or
> > 
> > A)
> > 
> > There perhaps ought to be a dedicated component for this, and I think
> > that there is more than one way to do this and someone else might
> > come up with a better solution.
> > 
> > But, you could use the HAL pins to control an integer mux, then pick
> > out the individual bits.
> > 
> > loadrt mux_generic config=uu4
> > loadrt bitslice count=1 personality=4
> > addf mux_gen.0        servo-thread
> > addf bitslice.0            servo thread
> > net sel0 mux_gen.0.sel0 <= hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.input00
> > net sel1 mux_gen.0.sel1 <= hm2_5i25.0.7i77.0.1.input01
> > setp mux_gen.0.in-u32-00 0x01
> > setp mux_gen.0.in-u32-01 0x02
> > setp mux_gen.0.in-u32-02 0x04
> > setp mux_gen.0.in-u32-03 0x08
> > net demux mux_gen.0.out-u32 => bitslice.0.in
> > net joint-0-sel bitslice.0.out-00
> > net joint-1-sel bitslice.0.out-01
> > net joint-2-sel bitslice.0.out-02
> > net joint-3-sel bitslice.0.out-03
> > 
> > But ther are other compoents that are close, for example
> > http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/select8.9.html
> > and maybe even
> > http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/man/man9/matrix_kb.9.html
> > 
> > Alternatively, if you have run out of IO for the 7i77 for the control
> > panel, take a look at the 7i73 which is inexpensive and can very much
> > simplify the wiring between the control panel and the 7i77.
> > 
> > --
> > atp
> > If you can't fix it, you don't own it.
> > http://www.ifixit.com/Manifesto
> > 
> > 
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