On Friday 05 December 2014 21:49:26 Jon Elson did opine
And Gene did reply:
> On 12/05/2014 05:27 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > The thing that impresses the hell out of me was the
> > response time of the video. I have a setup using
> > emc-camview, and it takes 4 or so seconds for the video to
> > show a stable machine position after a move has been done.
> > So while it can be made to work as a homing device with
> > the align buttons, I think, unless a rotation is needed,
> > that I can do it faster and just as accurately by hand.
> I updated the computer on my Bridgeport, and specifically
> got a machine with
> USB 2.0 ports so the camera would update faster.  I'm using
> one of these:

Silly Q then.  The D525MW board probably has only one usb interface, and 
since my mouse as also plugged into it, limiting it to USB1.1 speeds, 
would I gain video speed by sticking a ps2 mouse on the machine, thereby 
removing the speed limitation the USB1.1 mouse usage imposes?

It's a thought that hasn't come up, till you mentioned it, that certainly 
needs investigation.

I might be able to find a ps2 mouse in my midden heap of electronics here. 
But in half an hours excavating, I haven't even found a usb>ps2 adapter & 
I know well there are at least 3 here. I did find a din to ps2 though. And 
indicator of just how old my midden heap in here really is.  I really need 
to do some serious rattlesnake sorting here...  If I don't find one, I'll 
check at Staples the next time I am in Bridgeport.

But its one of those Murphy's Laws, that when I walk back in from buying 
one of those, my eye will catch sight of one of the old ones, and it will 
be right where I put it an unknown amount of calendars thrown away ago.  
Murphy lives here, hell he even drinks my last beer now and again. ;-)
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/200-x-Mini-Portable-USB-Digital-Microscope-Endo
> scope-Otoscope-Camera-with-LED-/271520292928?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash
> =item3f37dee040
> Although a bunch of the specs are a bit bogus, it is really
> about 640 x 480 pixels,
> but refreshes quite rapidly.  I would guess on this Dell
> GX270 i get at least
> 15 frames/second, in the emc-camview window, with the
> clipping scheme
> that performs the zoom-in.
> Jon

Looks nice, but that mount is as bogus as a 3 dollar bill.  And its 3" 
longer than the one I bought and I couldn't mount it on my toy mill 
without shortening that probably nearly empty tube down to about 1.25" or 
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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