On Thursday 18 December 2014 07:03:14 John Thornton did opine
And Gene did reply:
> I've used Gedit since 2006 with no bugs or trashed files...
> JT

I have saved a .hal file, tried to reload lcnc and gotten a screen full of 
errors several times.

On reloading the file, I have found whole paragraphs of stuff from near 
the end of the file, duplicated in the middle of the loadrt or addf phases 
of the file.  Those are easy to fix as they are obvious.  But when it 
inserts a paragraph of page 8 of the file, into the line of code 
configuring a function 8 or so stanza's of code after the addf's are done, 
it gets exasperating to fix.  While carving up the ini and hal files for 
my lathe, I expect I wasted 2 full days repairing that sort of damage.  I 
got to the point before I went searching for an editor, of printing every 
save so I had hard copy one generation back as a recovery tool.

Writing a couple hundred lines of gcode was the same story. I spent 50% of 
my time restoring what I had already written.

So I figured that the one thing linux had going for it was at least 20 
ways to skin the editor function. The first suggestion offered by synaptic 
when I entered "text editor" was geany, so I installed it.  Some minor 
diffs in the gui but otherwise acts like gedit, but has not trashed a file 
for me yet.

For me, it Just Works(TM) for everything but the printing from its menu, 
but then gedit is similarly broken.  So if I need a printout on dead 
trees, its back to the old standard:

 lp -dBROTHEHL2140 -olandscape filename

I have a vi clone I use on the CoCo's so I am also fairly familiar with 
vi/vim, but there are several things it does well but much slower, like 
scrolling the screen to where you want to work, so while I could use vim, 
I found gedit/geany buckets faster at, and when I am fighting with 
something the editor ought to have a scroll bar to do, its distracting and 
destroys my instant train of thought.  That could be construed to be a 
sign of my age, but if so, its been a problem for 35 years or more.

Anyway, that is why I've come to hate gedit.

> On 12/17/2014 9:25 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 12 December 2014 20:33:00 Marshland Engineering did opine
> > 
> > And Gene did reply:
> >> I installed the latest software and have the Mesa cards and servos
> >> running.
> >> 
> >> No text editor to be found. Pressing edit on the File menus does
> >> nothing ?? Where is gedit ?
> > 
> > It is a configurable item in your .ini file.
> > 
> > BUT!!! Do not use gedit, it has bugs like a 10 day old roadkill
> > carcass.
> > 
> > Geany seems clean and has never trashed a file for me yet, where
> > gedit has, several times.
> > 
> > They are quite similar, so no new hot keys to learn for most editing.
> > 
> >> I have set the acc and velocities up high using the config editor
> >> but when running the program, the velocity is about 1/10 I
> >> specified. What is wrong and how do I change this ?
> >> 
> >> Thanks Wallace
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
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> > Cheers, Gene Heskett
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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