On 23.03.15 07:30, Mark Wendt wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 7:17 AM, Erik Christiansen > wrote:
> > Try it as I describe, and the diagram and text should align without any
> > clashing of mental gears.
> The logic still doesn't match up with the simple switch diagram.

And yet you show yourself that it does, and your subconscious
understands the logic:

> B1 has to be activated for current to flow to the coil, to close the
> contact on Q0.

Yep, that's the green button on a commercial or homebuilt NVR.
It's momentary, NO. Press it for the NVR to latch on.
(And activated == "on", so NO -> closed, both for switch and relay.)

> B0 has to be in it's normal state.

Yep, that's the red button on a NVR, as on my lathe.
It's momentary, NC. Press it to reset the NVR latch.
(normal state == inactivated == "off" == NC is closed, NO is open )
> If you "activate" B0, you cut off the current and the contacts on Q0
> open.

Yup, that's the mechanics of the relay logic implementation.
(activated == "on" => NC->open, NO->closed, possibly both on the same
switch or relay, and maybe six of each on the one relay, if there is
output to many other ladder rungs.)

See, the logic _is_ coherent.  :-))


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and totally illogical, with just a little bit more effort?" 
                                                              - A. P. J.

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