
I did an 'archive' of the main project from KiCAD and it created a zip
file.  I committed that zip file to github, so maybe you can try that and
then open the project file??

Also, making sure you have the libraries will be key to seeing the
components.  I would try the AnilamToLinuxCNC-cache.lib if you get that far.

As I mentioned to Joseph, I'm using a recent build on windows.  However,
the fact that Joseph is using a 2013 stable build and he opened the project
is helpful.  I would try putting everything in the same directory, KiCAD
warns you to do that when you create a New Project, I believe.

Hope you get it working.

Re: [Emc-users] KiCAD schematic Anilam Crusader M Conversion
From: Mark Wendt <wendt.mark@gm...> - 2015-06-17 15:08:26
 On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 10:39 AM, TJoseph Powderly <tjtr33@...> wrote:

> Mark
> beware the 1st subsheet has a background image
> of a schematic
> that is confusing because it looks like wires and objects
> that you might click on to manipulate.
> they are just images!
> cute but confusing
> Lord tjtr33
> the other subsheets are pure schematics

I'm not even getting that far.  Do all the files need to be downloaded to a
directory where the .pro file lives?  Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong?

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