Thinking a bit more, I see no reason that any drag knife software couldn't
be used.  If you use rectangular based cuts only, and you handle dong
breaks manually, it should be easily doable.

Cutting rounded or serpentine cuts are had due to the breaking methods that
need to be used.  Machines that will do automated breaking after scoring
are pricy, but if it is pretty much all you do and you do a lot of it, even
those can be cost effective.

A quick Google shows there are several other software and machines other
than DeMichele out there.  I didn't see any open software, but it could
still exist.

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Jack Coats <> wrote:

> Years ago I worked for DeMichele Systems in College Station, TX.  They are
> now DeMichele Systems in Mesa AZ.
> Their specialty was optimized cutting for the Flat Glass industry.  Back
> 'in the day' it was Fortran programs that ran on Cromemco Z80 systems, but
> that is ancient history.
> Their software was pricey back then, and if it is like it was then, it is
> good, but they charge a lot for it.  Before this software cutting was laid
> out by hand.  Good manual layout got about 80 to 85% yield.  They
> guaranteed 90% but we really saw 95 to 98% yield in optimum conditions
> (correct stock, orders that matched up nicely, etc).  It also took care
> with tong-long and tong-short tempering for tempered glass (the glass is
> cut before tempering, so it expands more depending on the direction it is
> hung in the tempering ovens ... but that was the tech of the day.  I have
> no clue what they do now.
> I don't know of any open software, but it might be out there.  There might
> be competitor software, but I have no real knowledge other than keeping up
> a little bit with an old employer. (I have no current ties to them other
> than a little emotional one.)

><> ... Jack

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