> From: Mark Johnsen [mailto:m...@ijohnsen.com] 
> John,
> Thanks for the direction, I'll look at that for the limits.  My machine is
the _one_ switch type for limits on both ends without a home.  I didn't
setup a home, but after using the mill for the last year, probably a good
> I have been running 2.6.11 on a different harddrive, so good when I need
to go.
> I do think I'll buy that O-scope, only because I've always wanted one and
it seems like that one is a decent enough hobby scope for someone like me...

I haven't heard a bad review of the Rigol scopes, for the price. I've been
tempted many a time to replace my salvaged Tektronix scope with a Rigol -
mainly for the DSO capabilities (and the overclocked firmware options).

Note, I've seen a lot of good reviews - but I tend to pay more attention to
the bad ones.

> Regards,
> Mark
> > Mark,
> > The short answer is replacing the limit/home switch wiring with shielded
cable and grounding it to one place was the difference in making the sserial
errors go away. Unless you need 2.7 back up to 2.6 till you get rid of the
> > sserial errors.
> > JT

Good to know John - I missed that from the previous thread - it's odd how
often cable standard/layout causes odd issues

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