
I have gone thru this machine, starting with nuking linuxcnc.var, homed 
it and zeroed it until the DRO display, even when asked to show offsets, 
is reporting a whole screen full of 0.0000 for all axis's.

Then I used a pad of pcb to measure, and put into the tool table, all the 
Z axis offsets from there to contact with the the pcb surface which was 
laying nominally 0.070" above the material surface.

I load  my code to carve the needed clearances for a Rockler lid stay 
hinge, code which assumes a touch off at the material surface is 0.0000, 
and likewise the XY are touched off at the center of the workpiece, but 
when I do, from the MDI line, t17m6g43, which loads a 1/4" round nosed 
mill, the dro says the tool tip is at the surface of the material just 
fine when it is run there by hand.  And I can run it clear to that 
home/limit switch, 5" above the the backplots workpiece location, just 

Just one problem, the limit box in the backplot says the tool tip is only 
about 150 thou below the z axis upper limit!, and my code refuses to run 
because it runs up 4" to a tool change height, which there are 3 of in 
the code..

This does not make sense, the machine, when at the material top surface, 
is almost 5" below the upper limit/home switch.

>From the .ini file:

MIN_LIMIT   = -10.25000000
MAX_LIMIT   = 0.36900000

Which I've always been told is in machine units. That MAX_LIMIT is about 
10 thou from crashing the nut bracket into the top of the slot in the 
machines post.  And running it by hand, thats where it stops, still 
sitting on the switch.  But thats close to 5" above the red machine 
limits shown in the backplot when I do.

I'm running out of hair!

Most recent, as of about 15 hours ago version of 2.8.0-pre.

Have I hit a bug because its not 2.7.4-something?  IDK, only that its 
hugely frustrating and seems to be a quite recurrent problem, 
occasionally fixable by shutting down, nuking linuxcnc.var and var.bak, 
and restarting and rehoming.  But thats not fixing it, I have chased 
that rabbit around the briarpatch 4 times in the last 4 hours.

FWIW, I just copied that tool.tbl to sim.table here, and loaded the code 
which ran, not right because a conditional is bass ackwards, but it ran.

This is 2.7.4-sim.axis

So what do I do now?

If its a bug, thats fine, and maybe I've headed it off from getting into 
the mainline code most run, I am cool with that. Frustrated yes, but if 
I can bleed & fuss a little and make the stable code better, I am happy.

Thanks everybody.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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