How about unmounting the stick first before ejecting?

Am 12.05.2016 16:50, schrieb Jim Craig:
> All,
> I found an issue that I think is a bug but would like feedback before I
> post it on the GitHub issue list.
> I was using a USB flash drive to transfer files from my CAD/CAM pc to
> the LinuxCNC box. To do this I would plug the flash drive into the Linux
> box and would mount the volume. The files are then available at /media/usb/
> If I accessed a file from LinuxCNC in the Axis GUI at the location of
> /media/usb/ the file would open fine and would run perfectly.
> The issue is when I wanted to eject the volume so I could take it back
> to the CAD/CAM box. To do this I would open a file that is on the local
> hard drive in LinuxCNC so that it should release the /media/usb/
> resource. I would then attempt to eject the volume and it would throw up
> an error message stating that it was still busy.
> The only way I could eject the media was to completely close the
> LinuxCNC application so it would release the /media/usb/resource so it
> could be ejected.
> I am running Debian Wheezy with 2.7.4.
> Let me know if this is a bug or if there is something else that I should
> be doing. I know I could copy the file to the local drive and not open
> it from the USB flash drive.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
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