I was going through the HAL and noticed the per-axis ini parameters are 

Can they be changed without rebooting?  The machine will be at a stop 
for this.

Reason being, I use the standard cutting profile but I also have a 3D 
carving profile which increases the acceleration much higher.  To stay 
within the motor's performance curve, the max speed of the axes is 
limited for 3D carving.  And the carving profile's acceleration shakes 
the table in a way you just don't need for regular cuts.

So I was thinking, can I just make a PYVCP button that changes to the 
alternate profile, faster accel but slower linear, and back?

I've done 3D carving and then a toolchange to switch to an endmill for 
cutout.  No real biggie, but I couldn't switch to the 2D cut profile 
without rebooting, so I didn't reboot.  It'd be an interesting feature 
if it was just a button.


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